Monday, June 1, 2020

George Floyd death - a pivotal point in US history, his death should not go in vain ..

United States has been heavily reeling under the Corona virus attack for 
the past thee months heavily and then comes this shocking violation of a black man's human rights in US.

US over the past one week has been reeling under street violence at the killing of a black, George Floyd, on the pretext of carrying a fake $20 bill. The charge was not proved but in the process of handcuffing him and taking him into custody, the Police officers acted with stated racist intentions and one of them Derek Chauvin pressed his knee against the neck of Floyd while he was constrained on the ground or almost seven minutes, ensuring he was killed. The video file showing the gruesome gory killing must have been seen by almost everyone interested in human rights.

Click here for a NY Times video ..

If we look at how the different races constitute the US population, the over dominance of the whites is very evident.
  • Whites 61 %
  • Hispanics and Latinos 19%
  • Blacks 12% and
  • Asians 8%.
Here are some simple questions the world would like to know from the US Police dept and citizens from US in particular.
  • Is a black man still free to walk on American streets with his head held high without fear of intimidation and arrest by the Police ? 
  • Why always an attack on a Black man ends in use of so much force that it ends in loss of life, only of the black man ?
  • Even after US getting formed almost 244 years back why is US still not able to provide sense of security to one of their minority groups ?
  • Why anytime a crime is carried out, the finger of suspicion is first raised against a black man than a white man ?
  • Why have the US government not been able to handle this racial prejudice against the black community members in US successfully and convincingly, even after Martin Luther King's exhortations fifty years back ?
  • Why has the US President TRUMP not come up with a reassuring statement assuring the Blacks that their fundamental rights will be protected ?7. Is the US President's silence an indication of his moral complicity in this racial murder ?
US is passing through a leadership crisis now. US needs a LEADER now. A President who does not want to talk frank and straight of the racial divide in US society and try to assuage it is not the person who can lead US. He should be impeached by the Supreme Court and asked to hand over charge to the SC Chief Justice. 

The US citizens are forced to find a final solution. Hope they find a resolution to this issue of racial violence once for ever.

Let not the death of George Floyd go in vain. Let not there be another George Floyd .. Enough of racism, humanity has outgrown it long back. Let our hearts open and accept everyone else for their values, not on the colour of their skin. 🙏


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