Monday, February 6, 2023

What to do to keep good health ?

In old age, more than anything else, we find it is good health and good relationships that will keep us happy and occupied. I asked chatGPT a simple question, UN public domain document..

What should I do to keep good health ?

To maintain good health, you can follow these general guidelines:

1. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet, including plenty of fruits and vegetables.
2. Exercise regularly, aiming for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day.
3. Maintain a healthy weight.
4. Get adequate sleep each night, aiming for 7-9 hours.
5. Avoid unhealthy habits, such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
6. Manage stress through activities such as meditation, yoga, or exercise.
7. Practice good hygiene, including washing your hands frequently.
8. Get regular medical check-ups and screenings.
9. Stay informed about your health and take steps to prevent and manage any chronic conditions.
10. Keep close communication with close family members and old friends circle.
11. Expand your mind through expanded reading habit, enjoy the classics
12. As much as possible keep pace with technology and developments

Remember that individual needs may vary and it's important to speak with a doctor or healthcare professional for personalized advice.

As a final message, I feel serving needy and old age people with our time, knowledge and resources also makes our life worth living on this planet.


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