Friday, May 1, 2020

What steps should we focus post-Covid for a better world ?

What global changes should we look forward to, post Covid, to make planet earth more sustainable,  economically,  environmentally and socially ?

1. Can we have a new, resurgent, hygienic, healthy India and a just world  post Covid ?

2. Can we sensitise our people to less exploit nature and non-renewable natural resources?

3. Can we motivate our people to use to the most our ingenuity and innovative thinking to save resources and preserve nature? 

4. Can we get the people of the world to use more renewable resources in our industrial and daily energy mix ?

5. Can we be more tolerant,  considerate and care for our co-habitants on planet earth, all flora and fauna ?

6. Can the economically advanced countries of the world be less selfish and  more considerate to their less fortunate neighbors?

7. Can we take to a more vegan diet to help save other living beings and our co-habitants on planet earth ?

8. Can we take a joint promise to less pollute the air, water and land around us  ?

The rich developed western world has come to realise that we are all in it together, no people is exclusive, our futures are inter-dependent. We all leave this planet simple  and plain, without any glory.

Let's take this as a once only, golden opportunity to give a richer planet to our children .. 🙏🙏🙏

George Easaw, Bangalore. 2020.

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