Sunday, January 6, 2019

Are we ready to go for reconciliation with the Jacobites ??

Yesterday I was surprised to hear of our priest talking about forgiveness and reconciliation at the Sunday evening cottage prayer. He was talking how we all should forgive and go for reconciliation in our daily lives. How we need to be so forgiving that we finally become God-like in our approach ..

It was quite interesting to listen to this call for spiritual exhortation. It is indeed good if all of us are ready to forgive our brethren..

But is the church and the priestly class ready for that ? Are they ready to forgive the Jacobites and give back the churches where they are in majority and go for reconciliation ?

Finally the conclusion we had in the meeting was, we will talk but we will not practice.  We will continue to be hypocrites ! Useless and worthless !!

Preaching is for the people, the smart priests will neither practice their preaching nor show us how to practice it, they will just continue preaching. Preaching and putting it into practice are two totally different things.

Hypocrisy has entered all spheres of our lives.

If the Orthodox Christian church and its leaders are not ready for forgiveness and reconciliation with the Jacobites, peace will never return to the church.

Jesus never told us that reconciliation and forgiveness is conditional, according to the decision by the Supreme Court.

Even to this day, the Orthodox church leadership can extend a hand of peace and brotherhood to the Jacobites and engage with them in talks and reconciliation aiming to resolve the dispute between the Orthodox and Jacobite faction which has been there for decades.

Somewhere I feel the leadership is at fault .. The leadership on both sides have acted irresponsibly ..

All attention and opposition is only for acquiring the wealthy churches ..

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