Saturday, September 4, 2021

An apheresis procedure at St. Johns hospital, Bangalore

I had the good opportunity of going through a voluntary 2 hour apheresis procedure on Saturday 4 Sept '21 morning to separate platelets for a cancer patient in St. Johns hospital, Bangalore.

Apheresis is a medical procedure that involves removing whole blood from a donor or patient and separating the blood into individual components so that one particular component can be removed. The remaining blood components then are re-introduced back into the bloodstream of the patient or donor. 
Platelets, one of the 4 components of blood, (about 3 x 10^^11 was collected), is a yellowish thick liquid separated from our blood,, about 50 - 100 ml, given to critical / terminal cancer and leukaemia patients. 

Human blood contains platelets 45% and plasma 55% by volume, platelets helps the blood to clot and prevent blood loss. 

The monitor gives progressive info
Actually I went for blood transfusion, but since my last transfusion was just 2.5 months back, they suggested instead an apheresis procedure.

A young doctor there explained to me the procedure well and uncle google also was helpful, I agreed. I was told it is a really harmless procedure, I can do apheresis, every two weeks, if I want to. This time only platelets, next time could be only plasma etc. By this, more people can donate the diff blood components. Though this was my 42nd blood donation, this was my first experience at apheresis and it was cool ..

A very safe procedure, an approximate count of platelets taken was mentioned, 3 x 10 to the power 11, (300 billion or 300,000,000,000 platelets .. ). The procedure app took 45 minutes, totally 2 hours pre-harvesting and post-harvesting in an a/c room under watchful eyes. 

Having had a good breakfast, I was given two Calcium tablets before and one orange juice packet after the procedure. I am perfectly fine after the procedure, healthy and active, no hangovers at all.
If you want to touch the past, touch a rock.  If you want to touch the present, touch a flower.  If you want to touch the future, touch a life. – Author Unknown
Thanking Almighty God for giving an opportunity to serve society, hope this will motivate others to continue give back to society ..  🙏🙏

An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching - Mahatma Gandhi



  1. Great job. Congratulations Dr George Easaw.
    Keep the good work.
    Prayers and wishes
    Fr Saji K. Mathew

  2. Lucky to be a friend of a kind hearted person who is daring enough to donate platelets to a needy patient. Bravo

  3. You are a good model. A good example for others to follow. God Bless You

  4. Thank you very much I am not doing much, just trying to find a reason for my existence ..
