Saturday, April 25, 2020

Were'nt we earthlings moving too fast ??

A time to re-think ..

The Covid season has given us a lot of time over the past five weeks to find what went wrong with planet earth. It is golden opportunity for us earthlings to rethink and restrategise our priorities in the years ahead.

This is, as some body claimed, regeneration time for planet earth.  It is silent time for the people of the world to sit back and look at the events of the past thirty or forty years which has been unnerving and has disturbed the global ecological balance.

It all boils down to the ecological imbalance and disturbance which our over-consumerist lifestyle have done on the society. If we have close look at the death toll across countries, we find cultures that have been over-exploitative of natural resources, over-indulgent of pleasures and over-obsessed with the personal rights and freedoms of individuals over the greater common good,  have suffered maximum. It teaches us a great truth, personal liberty cannot override societal welfare.

We were exploiting natural resources too fast, we were killing other inhabitants of planet earth, the animals, flora and fauna, too fast to suit our over materialistic, consumerist life style.

We were exploring and finding newer and newer ways to exploit natural resources, oil, gas, minerals, ores, metals etc. at rates unprecedented in the history of planet earth. 

Planet Earth will take some more time to heal itself. the rivers and streams need to get cleaned up, the fishes and corals of the oceans need to feel the fresh water with raised levels of dissolved Oxygen, the air needs to feel fresh with less pollutants, the atmosphere need to feel less the burden of green house gases, less heating up of the atmosphere, less melting of the polar ice caps, the list is endless ...

The domesticated livestock, dairy farm animals and specially the poultry in billions around the world need to feel safer, less exploited, threatened and allowed to survive, to make this planet as green, as pleasant and livable for all living beings..

Our materialistic consumerist lifestyle has taught us many life lessons. Let us take a new pledge to
  • disturb our environment less
  • to live and let other flora and fauna on earth to live
  • to exploit the non-renewable natural mineral and oil, gas resources at a lesser rate
  • to reduce our killing of animals and over harvesting of the oceans of fishes and thus reduce over craving for non-veg food
  • help develop environmentally sustainable innovative technologies 
  • to rethink our development models and patterns
Let us promise to make our planet a better place to live.


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